General Superintendent,
Watchman Catholic Charismatic Renewal Movement (WCCRM)
THE time in which we live has a lot of issues that should jolt the toughest of minds, yet multitudes of people move about unperturbed because they do not have the eyes that can perceive (consider 2 Corinthians 4:4; Ephesians 4:18).
However, this kind of situation is not novel. At the time of the Lord Jesus, He lamented the blindness of the hearts of the Jewish religious leaders (eg. Matthew 15:14; 23:16-19), and that of the generality of the people of Jerusalem (eg. Luke 19:41-44). Even His very apostles were also caught in this blindness (eg. John 4:35). It is our prayer that all that read this article be made to see as they ought to see.
Pastor A.C. Ohanebo Ministering During A Sunday Light Fellowship
In Lagos (2010)
What then does the time in which we live have in stock for the masses of this world, for the people of this country and for true Christians?
Ž The Very Period That Should Precede The 2nd Coming Of Christ
To enable us perceive that now is the very period that should precede the second coming of Jesus Christ, we must first discuss Christ’s second coming itself, which will be in two stages, namely (i) His descent into the sky to catch away His living and dead saints; (ii) His descent to the world to execute judgment on the ungodly and begin His 1000 year-reign on earth.
THE 1ST STAGE, -- HIS DESCENT AND CATCHING AWAY HIS SAINTS (THE RAPTURE) (1 Corinthians 15:51-58; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18; 5:4-9; 2 Thessalonians 2:5-7).
The first stage of the 2nd coming of Christ is His descent into the sky to catch away from the earth to Himself all living saints (true Christians) and all who had died in the Lord. The Lord Himself promised this to His disciples while he was yet with them (John 14:1-3; Luke 21:34-36).
The apostle Paul, by revelation-knowledge declared same to the Churches of his day (1 Corinthians 15:51-58; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18; 5:4-9; 2 Thessalonians 2:5-7; Philipians 3:11, 20-21). The apostle John also referred to it in his general epistle to the Church (1 John 3:1-3).
Following this catching away of both the dead and living saints into the heavens, will be the marriage banquet of the Lord Jesus with these saints there in the heavens. We have the Lord’s parables that teach this, as well as the revelation of the Angel of the Lord (consider Matthew 22:1-4; 25:1-13; Revelation 19:1-10).
N.B: After the rapture and while the marriage banquet of the Lamb and His bride (the saints) will be going on in the heavens, the Great Tribulation will be taking place on earth. The great tribulation is a dispensational phenomenon referred to severally as Jacob’s trouble (Jeremiah 30:7); wrath (Rev. 14:7; 15:4; 16:5-7); indignation (Isa. 26:20-21; 34:1-3); punishment (Isaiah 24:20-21); hour of trial (Revelation 3:10); Daniel’s 70th week (Daniel 9:27).
God will bring this about to try them that dwell upon the earth (Revelation 3:10), and to prepare Israel for the King of kings (Jeremiah 30:7; Malachi 4:5-6).
Cross Section Of Gospel Ministers From Different Parts Of The World
Listening To Pastor A.C. Ohanebo At A Session Of The International
Gospel Ministers Conference Of The Hour (IGMC) Hosted Annually
By The Watchman Catholic Charismatic Renewal Movement, In Nigeria
During this time of great tribulation, the Antichrist will take possession of this world for a reign of terror.
The Antichrist will not be a system or an organization, but a person -- a supernatural diabolical being in the form of a man, who will blaspheme and claim himself to be God (Daniel 8:23-25; 2 Thessalonians 2:7-12; Revelation 13:1-10).
The second stage of Christ’s second coming is His descent into the world, precisely into Jerusalem in Israel (Daniel 7:13-14; Matthew 24:29-30; Acts 1:11-12).
This incident will be as literal and visible as His ascension into heaven (compare Luke 24:51 with Acts 1:11).
This time, He is coming with 10,000 of His saints to execute judgment upon the ungodly (Jude 14-15; Deuteronomy 33:2), and to set up His kingdom and reign for 1000 years on this present world (Zechariah 14:3-4; Matthew 25:31-46; 26:64; Mark 13:24-37; 2 Thessalonians 1:7-10; 2:8; Jude 14-15). During this time, the devil and his demons will be bound for 1000 years (Revelation 20:2-3) and it will be a reign of peace and blessing (Isaiah 11:6-9; 65:25; Hosea 2:18; Zechariah 14:9-20; Isaiah 2:2-4).
Now, as before stated, the very period in which we live is that very time that should precede the first stage of the Lord’s second coming. This means that the next item in the scheme of God’s administrative operations of governing heaven and earth is the catching away of the living and dead saints (the Rapture).
As soon as this is done, He will resume dealing with the Jews, having suspended dealing with them at the inception of the Church, and through the Church-age (Romans 11:11-12, 23-24).
What evidences do we have on ground to prove that the time in which we are living is the very time that precedes the catching away of the saints? Let us consider the following:
i According to the prediction of prophet Daniel, the volume of travel (air, land and sea) has skyrocketted, and knowledge or inventions of science and technology has increased in alarming proportions. We know of space crafts to the moon and mars; of satellites in the skies; of the high technology of telecommunications, the computer, etc (Daniel 12:4).
i The predictions of Prophet Joel with regard to the massive out-pouring of God’s Spirit on multitudes, corroborated by apostle Peter at the beginning of the Church, is mightily being witnessed now (Joel 2:28-29; Acts 2:14-18).
i There is right now with us the predicted terrible increase in iniquity (as was never known before) -- murders, robberies, terrorism, ethnic hatred and cleansing, promiscuity, drug abuse, sexual immorality, materialism and all kinds of evil all over the world (see Matthew 24:12; 2 Timothy 3:1-5).
Pastor A.C. Ohanebo Ministering During A Sunday Meeting
At One Of The District Headquarters Of The Watchman Catholic
Charismatic Renewal Movement In Lagos
i Right now also, the predictions of the Lord and of His apostles as to the incidents that would mark the time of His 2nd coming have all been fulfilled and are continually being fulfilled -- false Christs, prophets and teachers have arisen in their numbers and are still arising; wars, famine, pestilences and earthquakes have been and are now the order of the day (see Mathew 24:1-12; 1 Timothy 4:1-3; 2 Peter 2:1-3).
i Apart from the above, the prophecies on mass backsliding due to the force of sinful pleasures and of difficulties have also been fulfilled and is still being fulfilled (Matt. 24:12; 2 Thess. 2:3). Besides, the prediction on false religious and so-called non-religious persuassions are also in fulfilment (1 Tim. 4:1-3).
Moreover, the process of establishing a one-world government is already in progress. This is part of what the Bible calls “the mystery of iniquity” (2 Thess. 2:7-8).
Over and above all the above evidences, the Lord Himself expressly informed the Church in April 1999 through the unique message, “The Time Now In Heaven”, that we were 5 minutes to 12.00 midnight. (Recently, He has said we are now 21/2 minutes to 12.00 midnight). The midnight signifies the peak of all the above phenomena, when men would be most distracted, distabilized, demoralized and discouraged about the things of the Lord or His coming.
Ž A Time Of Increased And Intensive Manoeuvres And Activities Of Devils To Hinder The Unwary
(1 Timothy 4:1-3; 1 Peter 5:7-8; Matthew 24:12; Revelation 12:2)
(1 Timothy 4:1-3; 1 Peter 5:7-8; Matthew 24:12; Revelation 12:2)
Let us open this point with referring to the vision recorded in Revelation Chapter 12. From verse 7, this chapter records the spiritual (unseen) war in heaven (not the 3rd heaven) between Satan and his angels and Michael and his angels in the course of the Great Tribulation after the rapture.
Satan and his angels, on being defeated by Michael and his angels and cast down to the earth, instigated a fierce persecution of the Jews and all tribulation saints, knowing that shortly, when Christ returns to judge the ungodly, they will go into prison for 1000 years (consider Revelation 12:7-12 with Revelation 20; Matt. 8).
From this we see that the period in which we live is a time that must witness increased and intensive manoeuvers and activities of Satan. The reason is this: very soon, after the rapture, the seven years of the great tribulation will follow, at the end of which, Satan and his angels will go into prison for the 1000 years of Jesus’ reign on earth.
The following are a few of their activities, some aimed against the unsaved, others aimed against the saints:
On the part of the saints, the devils have intensified their efforts to cause them failures, losses, to hinder their prayers, make them sick, prayerless and faithless, all with a view to disturbing, destabilizing, distracting, hindering, demoralizing and polluting them, rendering them unrapturable (1 Peter 5:8; 1 Thessalonians 2:18).
With their diabolical wisdom they create the difficulties, bring about evil dreams and manipulations of their agents (Daniel 10:12,13; Luke 22:31). They also take advantage of the carelessness of the saints (consider 2 Corinthians 2:11).
Besides, they use the force of increasing iniquity, eg, sexual immorality and related sins to pollute their minds (Matthew 24:12; 2 Timothy 3:1-5).
Furthermore, as they cause the unsaved to pursue, acquire, display and enjoy the mundane things of this life and of their flesh, the believers’ hearts are part of their target - to affect and pollute them, to the intent that they should forget their souls and not prepare for the rapture. In short, it is a time of frontal attack on the saints by the devil.
Fellowship Session At The Watchman Catholic Charismatic Renewal Movement, Maryland, USA
Fellowship Session At The Watchman Catholic Charismatic Renewal Movement, Maryland, USA
On the part of the unsaved, Satan has increased his manoeuvres and activities against them with a view to keeping them oblivious of the need of their souls, thereby keeping them unsaved perpetually.
His strategies that have yielded him great results include:- insinuating rival, but non-life-giving religious beliefs or practices to divert those that are curious and gullible from the truth (Titus 3:5; 2 Peter 2:1-3); causing scandalous activities/lifestyles in the house of God to scandalize and scare the unsaved (Revelation 2:19,20); making them pursue the mundane things of this life and all sensual pleasures ( Luke 12:13-15).
Ž A Time Of Massive Deterioration And Backsliding
(2 Thessalonians 2:1-6; Matthew 19:30)
(2 Thessalonians 2:1-6; Matthew 19:30)
In the above passage of 2 Thessalonians, we are informed of two things that will precede the 2nd stage of the Lord’s second coming, namely:- (i) a falling away; (2 Thessalonians 2:3); (ii) revelation (appearance) of the man of sin (the Antichrist) (2 Thessalonians 2:3).
The Greek word used for falling away is apostasia, which means defection, apostasy. Now, apostasy means, “giving up the Christian faith, spurning and speaking evil of it, of those that hold it, and of the Holy Spirit” (1 Timothy 4:1; Hebrews 6:4-6; Matthew 12:32; 2 Peter 2:1-3, 20-22).
During the great tribulation that will occur between the rapture and the second stage of Christ’s second coming (see Matthew 24:4-31; Revelation 6:1-19:21), there is going to be great apostasy because people will be hardened for missing the rapture and because of the incomparable persecution of the Antichrist on all who will not yield to his idolatrous and blasphemous rules (2 Thessalonians 2:3-5).
From the above we can assert without fear of exaggeration or error that the time in which we live is the period of great deterioration and backsliding. For one thing, if the horrible persecution of the Antichrist will bring about massive apostasy, it is logical (to say the least) to assert that the presence of other earlier militating factors, such as, the increased influence of sinful pleasure, the mad pursuit of money, other possession and knowledge, the increased difficulties of this life, the persecutions and the like, would surely bring about deterioration and backsliding.
DETERIORATION means, “falling from standard (or Bible) Christian convictions, conduct and qualities to substandard ones” (compare Isaiah 1:22; Jeremiah 7:26; Luke11:26; 2 Timothy 3:13). On the other hand, BACKSLIDING means, falling back from godly ways into the old sinful ways of living, losing interest in, and insight into the Christian faith completely” (Exodus 32:1-6; Jeremiah 1:16; 2:1-3, 4-8, 13-14, 17; Malachi 3:7-18; 2 Peter 2:20-22).
There is great evidence of massive deterioration and backsliding in the present day. Many have dwindled in their love for, faith in and commitment to Christ (Matthew 24:12; 1 Timothy 1:19).
For others, regular reading, studying and hearing the word of God and communing with Him in prayers are now difficult, boring, occasional or even things of the past. Brother or sister prayer warrior has become brother or sister-worried.
Attendance to fellowships as we are commanded (Hebrews 10:25) is now an occasional thing, when it is convenient. He that was of a quiet spirit is now of a violent spirit, speech, now nagging and murmuring at almost everything. The former fasting man is now the feasting one, moving from the offensive to the defensive.
He that was looking up to Jesus and His word for guidance in marriage, business, etc, is now looking around to use his senses. Many now question the need for Bible teachings on restitution, moderation in all things including dressing, jewelry, etc. Some due to this evil, have all the money to rent or buy houses, buy good furniture, but they do not have money to buy good study Bibles or useful Christian literature.

Watchman Catholic Charismatic Renewal Movement Music Ministers
In The United Kingdom (UK) Performing During A Fellowship
Session In London (2010)
In the matter of service to the Lord, they engage in business and other things day-in-day-out, but never bother about the business of soul-winning by way of person-to-person, house-to-house, bus-to-bus and other forms of soul winning service to the Lord.
Many are now filled with their own ways (Proverbs 14:14), and indifferent (Matthew 24:12). They that looked up for the next world are not looking back to this world (Luke 9:62). They have turned from calling upon God to calling upon the gods and upon men (Exodus 32:1-6).
The fear of the Lord has departed from their eyes (Jeremiah 2:19). The former faithful are now questioning the authenticity of God’s word, attributes and other things revealed in Scriptures. Their love for Christ has vanished for love of the world (2 Timothy 4:10; Revelation 2:4-5). They have moved from righteousness to sinfulness (Jeremiah 2:3). The praying pilgrims are now prayerless pagans.
The captives of Jesus are now the captives of Satan. They looked to the hills previously, but now they look downward and around. They that remembered God everyday now go about in their programmes without Him (Jeremiah 2:32).
They used to be afraid of hell, but now, they console themselves with some foolish argument, or force their consciences to forget the issue. The fiery evangelistic pastors or teachers are now silenced to fearful, toothless dumb dogs (Isaiah 56:10).
We will not close this chapter without stating the consequences of deterioration and backsliding.
DETERIORATION beclouds one’s spiritual senses, hinders
communion with God, effectiveness in service or ministry, brings about removal of privileges, backsliding and disinheritance by God (Matthew 21:43; 25:28; Luke 19:24; 20:16; John 15:2; Revelation 2:5).
BACKSLIDING on its part earns total separation from God and His kingdom (Exodus 32:7, 31-33; 1 Chronicles 28:9; Psalm 69:28; Ezekiel 33:11-19). The backslidden is on his way to hell (Numbers 16:30-35; Matthew 27:3-5 with 26:24).
Ž A Worse Untoward, Wicked And Adulterous Generation (Acts 2:40; Matthew 12:38-39; 16:1-4; Mark 8:38).
The American heritage dictionary of the English language defines the word “unto-ward” thus:- unfavourable, presenting unfavourable circumstances, hard to control, obstinate, un-manageable. This is the qualification that the apostle Peter, filled with the Holy Ghost put on the people of his day many centuries ago, while he was concluding his sermon on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2:40).
Going through the Acts of the Apostles and Church history, we discover that the apostles grappled with multitudes of diverse nationalities with different tongues, traditions or cultures. In the main, there were the Jews, the Greeks, the Romans.
At this particular occasion of the Pentecost and the resultant sermon of St. Peter, we have a clear picture of the matter (Acts 2:6-11).
It was indeed an obstinate, unmanageable and unfavourable generation. The Holy Spirit labeled them thus because they were sold completely to their sinful ways, philosophies, traditions and cultures and seemed unbending, no matter what was done.
Not long before this time of apostle Peter, the Lord Jesus had labeled His audience of multitudes (sometimes mostly Jews, at other times, Jews and Gentiles) an indifferent generation that will not yield, no matter the strategy God adopted (Matthew 11:16-19); an evil, wicked and adulterous generation, so engrossed in their evil, wicked and adulterous ways that the authoritative and fiery sermons and mighty miracles of the Lord could not move them to repentance (Matthew 12:41-42, 43-45).
At a point, He was so offended with their hypocrisy, insincerity, selfishness, self-righteousness and the wresting of God’s word of the religious leaders, that he heaped a lot of curses on them (Matthew 23:1-36).
It was from such a generation, laden with all that have been shown about them above, that the Lord and His apostles urged their listeners to sever themselves from, repent and be saved (Matthew 12:39; Acts 2:40).
Today, we have a worse situation. Youths are restive everywhere in the world. Aggrieved people take to violence, arson and destruction. Everywhere there are ethnic/cultural differences with their attendant evil results.
Multitudes are unruffled, indifferent. Every form of evil -- murder, robbery, adultery, fornication, cheating, wickedness has increased in alarming proportions.
The religious, but unregenerated people are worse today than their Pharisee/Sadducee counterparts of Jesus’ time.
The multitudes have been sold over to their sins, philosophies and beliefs and seem obstinate. Indeed, the time in which we live is a worse untoward, wicked and adulterous generation.
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