Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Devil's Attempt To Paralyze Me Defeated

“And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away”  Revelation 21:4

I am Comfort Eziagbor, a member of the Orile Coker Parish of the Watchman Catholic Charismatic Renewal Movement, Lagos. I want to testify to the glory of God of His divine healing upon me. Tuesday, July 20, 2010, has come and gone but the memories it left behind have remained indelible in my mind.

It was a Charismatic Hour day, and the minister who officiated that day told us that after he returned from the pastors' preparatory vigil; he decided to have some rest. As he slept, he had a dream in which he was called upon to raise somebody who was dead.

Few minutes after he woke up from the sleep, his phone rang and it was our district pastor calling to mandate him to handle the fellowship of that evening. He told us that as soon as that instruction was given to him, he immediately associated it with the dream and began to have the feeling that God wanted to do something spectacular in the lives of the people that day. Interestingly, the topic of the message for that day was, God, The Restorer.

   When he was through with the Charismatic Hour message that evening, he prayed diversely and extensively against the spirit of death.  Little did I know that an affliction was lurking at a corner to strike me.

I left for home that day fulfilled and satisfied. When it was time to go to bed, I prayed with my family asking God to give us a good night's rest and we all slept. When I woke up early in the morning to assign to my children some domestic chores they would undertake before going to school, I noticed some pains in my body but I did not allow it to bother me.

 I later went to the sitting room and lay down on a chair but when I wanted to reposition myself properly on the chair, I discovered that one part of my body had become stiff, and within some minutes, I couldn't raise my hand and feet again. I felt a terrible pain on my neck and it dawned on me that the enemy had struck.  

   I groaned in anguish and called the name of Jesus, which attracted the attention of my children who rushed to me wondering what had gone wrong. By the time they helped me to my room, I wasn't able to talk again and my heart was panting.

 Some of them started praying while others made contacts with some brethren living around. And when some brethren came, they prayed and after a while, I got some relief. They suggested I should be taken to the hospital but I declined, saying that I did not want to be placed on any injection or drip.

 At that juncture, my pastor who had also come asked the general choirmaster who was one of those that had come to see me and pray for me, and he started with one of our choruses: The changer of the laws of the Medes and Persians. By the time he was through with the prayers, I felt refreshed and my condition began to amend.

   The pain, however, was still so severe that I cried profusely unto God for His divine intervention. While still writhing in pains, another set of brethren came and when they heard what happened, they also prayed for me. God eventually answered the prayers of all the brethren.

Soon, I got enough strength as some sisters helped me to the bathroom to take my bath, massaged me, and applied some balm on my body, and by the time they were through with that, I came out of the bathroom without help. I walked into my bedroom, dressed up and came to the sitting room to join the brethren and that gave rise to another service of thanksgiving to God.

   I went to the hospital later in the day as I was advised because of the pain but today, I am totally healed. No more pains, no limping, no paralysis, no stroke.
    Praise the Lord!”

Delivered From Strange Ailment After Ten Years

“Behold, I will bring it health and cure, and I will cure them, and will reveal unto them the abundance of peace and truth” Jeremiah 33:6.

MY name is Rita Awam and I worship at Izziahngbo District of the Watchman Catholic Charismatic Renewal Movement, Abakaliki Diocese, Ebonyi State. I want to testify of the healing and deliverance of the Lord upon my life.

    For over ten years, the enemy afflicted me with a strange sickness that defied all medical treatments. I had noticed the sickness before my marriage in November 2008, and since then, we have run from pillar to post in search of cure.


I usually experienced a moving object around my tummy and whatever it was would continue to move until it gets to the lower part of my abdomen. The pain that accompanied it was so severe that it often made it difficult for me to walk or lie down.

There usually would be a sensation in the lower part of my abdomen and at such occasions, I would feel very uncomfortable to the extent of wondering whether life was worth living any more.

    It was always difficult for me to sleep. Whenever it starts in the night, I would find it difficult to sleep and so would keep awake till the following morning. This had been my ordeal for all these years.

In fact, passing urine or defecating even became a big problem because of the pains that usually went with them. It was such a harrowing experience that made life very boring and unpleasant. I would cry and lament so much that sometimes I would ask God to take away my life.

    My pastor counseled me and encouraged me to have faith in God and not to allow the devil to start jubilating that he had succeeded in tormenting me. I listened to his wise counsel and prayed to God in earnestly to forgive me whatever sin I had committed that might have attracted the sickness to me.

    Throughout this period, the church was praying for me and my husband and I never ceased also to pray about the problem. I went to some hospitals and spent a lot of money but the illness persisted. One night, I had an encounter with an occult man in my dream and he told me he was going to kill me.

I told him to repent or else he would not escape the wrath of God. This same person confronted me physically in the market place later on and after all that he did, the sickness became severe.

    However, there is a popular saying that whatever has a beginning would also have an end. After one of our Sunday Light fellowships, a brother, who had visited the village from Lagos saw me, and after a brief discussion with him about my health condition, he suggested that he would take me to Lagos to see some pastors who would pray for me. I told my husband about it and we went to see the brother.

After some discussions, we agreed to come down to Lagos with him on an appointed day.
    In Lagos, I went to some Watchman Fellowship Centres. The pastors in all the locations we visited prayed for me and the Lord honoured their prayers.

As it is now, I am completely healed and all the ugly experiences have ceased; and they have ceased forever in Jesus' Name.  Amen.
   Praise the Lord!”

Five Years Incessant Seizures Ended

“The name of the Lord is a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe” Proverbs 18:10

I am Millicent Donkoh and I worship at the Nyankumasi Parish of the Watchman Catholic Charismatic Renewal Movement in Ghana. I want to testify of the goodness of the Lord upon me.

About five years ago, I suddenly developed severe headache that continued for a very long period. I went to the hospital and they prescribed some drugs for me but the symptoms persisted.

When it got to its peak, I suddenly fell down one day and was jerking and twitching like an epileptic. That was just the beginning of such occurrences during which I would completely lose consciousness.

I went to another hospital and I was diagnosed as suffering from disorder as a result of those seizures. When all efforts made to cure me failed, I resolved to seek a spiritual solution to the problem.

I took my case to the Watchman parish pastor in Nyankumasi. After praying for me, he suggested that I should travel to Accra, Ghana, to see the national pastor.

I traveled with my father to see him and after about five hours of extensive and fervent prayers, I was delivered from the sickness and since April this year (2010), when the deliverance session was conducted till now, I have not experienced the sickness any more which is what has given occasion for this testimony. Praise the Lord!”

Millicent's father, who witnessed the deliverance session in Accra, gave this account to confirm the testimony hisdaughter had given: 

“I am Mr. Asamoah Donkoh and the testifier, Millicent, is my daughter. When she was afflicted with the sickness, little did I know that it was going to be solved spiritually.

As a father, I did all I could to attend to her medically but all my efforts did not yield any dividend. I took her to various hospitals and series of tests were conducted until later, the doctors said she had developed a disorder as a result of the incessant seizures.

Thank God I ran into one of the Watchman sisters who invited me to the church. We saw the pastor after one of the worship services and he prayed for us and led us to Christ.

 However, he advised that we should see the national pastor in Accra which we did and after a deliverance session that lasted about five hours, my daughter was delivered from the affliction and she is now healed of the sickness. Praise the Lord!”

'Akpeteshe' Addict Delivered In Ghana

“I am a wonder unto many; but thou art my refuge”  Psalm 71:7.

MY name is John Owusu and I worship at Nyankumasi Parish of the Watchman Catholic Charismatic Renewal Movement, Ghana. I am testifying to the glory of God of my salvation. I am indeed very grateful to God for what He has done in my life. Before now, I was addicted to the locally made gin popularly called Akpeteshe.

   In Akrampa, where I live, if you ask any person about me, you are likely to hear: 'Oh, that drunkard!' It was as bad as that because I had an insatiable appetite for the local gin and I became very popular in the vicinity because of the attendant vices that go with such an addiction.

However, the journey to my deliverance came one day while I was on a drinking spree. I went to a house very close to the Watchman Fellowship Centre to buy the drink as usual but then the church was in session. As I was about to gulp down the drink, the message that blared from the speaker was like a sword that was pointed directly at me.

 Meanwhile, I was holding a cup full of the local gin and I was in-between two opinions, whether to drink it or not. However, the devil behind it took the better part of me and without much ado, I gulped it down and left.

   The next time I went there for the same purpose, the message I heard during the previous visit echoed in my ears and pricked my conscience.

I returned home quietly without taking a shot that day and x-rayed my life over and over again until I concluded that I was going to worship at the church.  

 I attended the Sunday service thereafter and stayed behind after the fellowship to see the pastor who counseled me, prayed for me and led me to Christ.

I am now saved and attend church now with my family members. I don't have appetite for the gin or any other alcoholic drink for that matter any more. Praise the Lord!”

FEATURE: Bringing Jacob Back At Hilltop Encounters 2010

WHAT readily comes to mind about Hilltop Encounters 2010; the 11th International Conference of the Watchman Catholic Charismatic Renewal Movement Campus Fellowships, which held at Logos International Secondary School (LOGISS), Awo-Omamma, Imo State, from August 19-22, 2010, is the very impressive crowd that thronged the event.

    The arrival of the General Superintendent of the Watchman Catholic Charismatic Renewal Movement, Pastor A.C. Ohanebo, whose two messages (the opening and closing messages) came out with spectacular insight and authority raised the tempo of the programme. The participants heralded his entrance with deafening appreciative cheers and clapping. “I pray that every one of you will indeed be a child of this ministry.

*Pastor A.C. Ohanebo Ministering At Hilltop Encounters 2010

You are the hope of this ministry, if Christ tarries,'' he told the students. Like a father to his beloved children, he urged the students to be focused, and not to be contented with merely acquiring certificates only, but to go after knowledge with determination and zeal, and ensure that they put God first in their lives, as that would guarantee their success and preservation in this world.

    Pastor Ohanebo's closing message was entitled, “He is the Rock”. In it, he urged the students to always see themselves as little rocks wherever they were. “For you to be a rock,” he said, “you must continually eat angels' food and the word you are hearing now is angels' food. I am the angel!” He advised them to always be conscious of who and what Christ has made them, as this awareness would help them remain steadfast and not be moved in the face of challenges.

Delivered From Ritual Killers

“For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds“ 2 Corinthians 10: 4.

WATCHMEN, praise the Lord! My name is Grace Ohiri and I worship at Bariga Parish of the Watchman Catholic Charismatic Renewal Movement, Lagos. I want to thank God for delivering me from the hands of some ritual killers.

 On that fateful day, August 21, 2010, I was returning home from a business seminar I had attended. I boarded a commercial bus from Ikeja hoping to come down at Palmgrove.

While the journey progressed, we encountered a traffic build-up as a result of an accident that had occurred along the way and so the driver diverted and followed another route to escape the hold-up. Or so we thought.

There was calm as the journey progressed until we noticed a signpost indicating the way to Sagamu and that gave rise to strong protests by the passengers who began to shout and scream. The driver shouted at us and asked everyone to keep quiet that we would soon get to our destinations.

 I had a ministration immediately that we were in danger so I started praying. My fear was confirmed when I saw the conductor spraying some powdery substance on us. By this time, I was reading the Bible. In no time, all the passengers, except me, fell asleep.

When the driver looked back and saw that I was still conscious and alert, he asked the conductor why I was not affected by the spell. The conductor looked at me and snatched the Bible from me. I started singing aloud and after a while, the other passengers who had slept off began to regain consciousness.

Despite our protests by shouting and crying, we were driven into a forest in one of the towns in the outskirts of Lagos and like a sheep about to be slaughtered, we were led to a shrine.

When we got there, we also saw many people, children and adults alike, who had equally fallen victim to these wicked people and were as it were, waiting for the hand of God to deliver and save them.

It was indeed a harrowing experience and as I was praying in my heart for God's intervention, one fat woman came out and said she could sense a strange spirit among us. She moved round and when she got to me, she asked one of her orderlies to take me away that she did not need me.

  The person looked at me and was reluctant to come near me. Now sensing the sudden change in the situation of things, I told them that I would not leave the place unless they also released all the other people in their custody.

My action provoked the woman to anger and she said I was joking and that because of my audacity, she would now slaughter all of us by nightfall.

She started mumbling some words which I suspected were incantation and so I also started my own “incantations” (that is, prayers to God). At a point, she stopped and demanded to know from me what gave me the audacity to challenge her, stressing that I was courting the wrath of her gods.

   It was an opportunity that offered itself on a platter of gold so I needed to make the maximum use of it. I told her that I served the God that created all things and that her god was a lesser god that had no power. She got infuriated the more and went into the shrine and reemerged with a stick that was burning with fire and pointed it at me.

 Brethren, I marveled at what happened next.  Almost immediately, there was a sound of thunder which struck her, and before our very eyes, she fell down and died instantly. There was sudden commotion and panic, and when her assistants examined her and found out that she was dead, they all took to their heels.

 Without wasting time, we ran after them and by the time we all came out from the bush, we found ourselves in Ikorodu.  Jubilating over our regained freedom from the hands of the ritual killers, we got a bus that conveyed us to Palmgrove and it was the subject of discussion throughout the journey.

By the time I got home, it was past 11.00pm and that was how God saved me and the others from what could have been premature death. Praise the Lord!”

Diabetes Sacked

“The living, the living, he shall praise thee, as I do this day: the father to the children shall make known thy truth” Isaiah38:19.

MY name is Cyril Obinugwu from Iba Parish of the Watchman Catholic Charismatic Renewal Movement, Lagos. I want to share the testimony of God's faithfulness in my life.

 Sometime in 2008, I took ill and went to the hospital where they said I had malaria and all that. It was not until I told the doctor that I had noticed that my throat was always dry, causing me to want to drink water too often, and pass urine frequently, that he recommended that my blood sugar level should be determined through a medical test.

When the result came out, it showed that my sugar level was 457, and the doctor pronounced that I was diabetic.

To be sure I heard him correctly; I asked him to repeat what he had just said and he said it again that I was diabetic. He then added that I was even lucky to have reported at the hospital on time, otherwise I would have experienced what he called diabetic coma.

   The pronouncement sort of put me off, but I managed to assure the doctor that I would certainly get my healing. He gave me some drugs after which I left and began to take those drugs. He recommended that I should be eating boiled unripe plantain and beans.

It was not a pleasant experience, but I was encouraged when I remembered a testimony shared by the man of God, our General Superintendent, during one of the IGMC programmes in the Eastern part of the country. He had told us about a minister of God in one of the foreign countries who was sick and was written off by doctors who were of the opinion that he would not survive the sickness.

But the man told the doctors that he would register and participate in a marathon that was holding in his country that period. Although, the doctors warned him of the consequences of such course of action, he was determined to participate in the race. 

According to our GS, the minister in question took his Bible and copied out from Genesis to Revelation all the promises of God concerning healing. These, he read unto the Lord continually during his prayers until all the problems he had were removed by the hand of the Lord. And then, he went on to participate in the marathon and eventually presented his certificate of participation to his doctor to prove that God had healed him and enabled him to do the long race.

   So, because of this testimony, I also went and copied out some of the promises of God on healing and blessings of healing in the lives of many people in the Bible and used them as my prayer arguments unto the Lord. One of the days, I came to see our pastor here and told him my problem, and he prayed for me and I left.

And during one of our Charismatic Hour fellowships not long ago  we all were here (at Iba Fellowship) that day and witnessed what happened; the Spirit of God was really operational that day, and He made the pastor to spot my case and he called me out. The pastor said that the Spirit of God had moved him to call me out, although he did not know why.

 As he was still speaking, he then said that he had a spiritual syringe in his hand to remove all the filthy blood from my body. While this was going on, the power God had touched me, and I had fallen and lying on the floor.

   Again, on January 15, last year (2009), the Lord told me expressly in my sleep that I was His servant and that He will not disappoint me. After the Charismatic Hour fellowship of that day, I left and brethren, all those food items which the doctors had told me not to eat, I began to eat them.

 Not long after that, I went to check my blood sugar level again and it was still high. I did not allow that result to disturb me because I was sure that God was in full control.

 Then came another Charismatic Hour day and our pastor while ministering declared that all the people in the church who had been placed on special diets should discard them and start eating whatever they had not been eating. I threw away my drugs and began to eat whatever food that appealed to me.

 Some months later, I went to check my blood sugar level and behold, it had come down to 95. I went again after about two month's interval and it was still 95.

The Lord is so great and I can assure you that there is no trace of diabetes in me any longer, praise the Lord!”

Delivered From The Bondage Of Idols

“Thus shall ye say unto them, the gods that have not made the heavens and the earth, even they shall perish from the earth, and from under these heavens”  Jeremiah 10:11

MY name is Pius Chima Okechukwu; I worship at the Lagos Island Parish of the Watchman Catholic Charismatic Renewal Movement, Lagos.

 I have come out here today to give glory to the Lord for granting me the salvation of my soul. It happened that my family was the custodian of the community idols which my people believed were dedicated to the goddess of the land.

In fact, the shrine had been there even before my mother was married into our family. And so the custom had been that the chief priest of the shrine would always come from my family. After the death of any priest, they would consult the oracle to determine who would take over as the new priest. The last occupant of the position was my uncle.

Now when he died, I was told that the oracle had chosen me to succeed him as the new priest. Though I was still young and not yet a Christian, I rejected the priestly office in my heart, because I didn't see any benefit derivable from it. 

 I wasn't just interested.  Along the line, those evil forces manipulated me somehow, and I returned to the village, discussed with my mother and told her that I had changed my mind and was now willing to serve as priest to the idol. My mother was very happy at my decision and even told me of some efforts she had made to ensure I did not die prematurely for refusing the priestly office.

In fact, she said she had spent a lot of money in that regard. Her fear was fuelled by stories of people who were said to have died in times past for refusing to serve the idol when they were chosen. She even cited specific examples in the village.

Before that decision, I had noticed that there were lots of problems in the family, so I resolved that if serving the idol was going to provide solutions to them, then I was ready to make the sacrifice to appease the gods.

 When eventually I became the priest, I found out that my expectations were not met and it was like going from bad to worse. The problems worsened rather than move away. I continued to ponder my life and happenings around me which made life very boring.

Now, one fateful Saturday, as I sat in front of my shop, two sisters passed by and after they had gone a little distance, they returned and asked if I could spare a little time, so they could share the word of God with me and I obliged them.

Though I was serving an idol, it didn't stop me at that time from sometimes reading the Bible or even making some kind of prayers which I did sometimes with kola nuts and incantations. After their message, I sensed a strange thing happening in me.

I found myself itching to open up to them, to tell them what I was into but some forces prevailed against me and I couldn't muster the will to do that. After they had gone, I started sensing some kind of light inside me and I wondered what was going on. I kept my fingers crossed until they came again after some time to invite me to church.

I honoured their invitation and came to the Watchman fellowship. The message that came from the pulpit that day really broke me down, because it was all about my life and I made up my mind to pitch my tent with the Watchman.

Two weeks after my first encounter with this Ministry, it was announced that there would be a crusade in Ajegunle titled, 'Heaven And Earth Will Meet At Ajegunle'. I attended the crusade and after the programme, I noticed a great turnaround in my life; and without much ado, I made up my mind to renounce my priestly position.

Though nobody spoke to me one-on-one on the matter, I did not know what moved me to make that decision and go to the village afterwards to announce it.

At the village, I informed my mother that I had decided to quit the priestly office, and surprisingly, she saw reasons with me and said there was no problem if that was what I wanted. Having gained her support and confidence, I proceeded to the home of the eldest person in our kindred and after narrating my story to him, he also gave me his nod to do as I wanted.

The next hurdle, as it were, was what to tell the community but while ruminating on that, God provided an answer. God put it in me to ask the elders when they gathered whether the shrine belonged to the community or my family.

 If they said that it belonged to my family, then I would tell them that we intended to take full possession of it and do whatever we wanted with it; but if they said that it belonged to the community, then I would tell them to take what belonged to them that we no longer needed it.

As I threw this question at them when they gathered, their spokesperson answered that it belonged to the community. I now told them that we were handing over to them what belonged to them since we were no longer interested in being its custodian.

When I said this, the spokesman looked at the direction of the eldest man in our family and asked him whether he heard what I had just said. He answered that he was in support of my action.  And with that there was nothing they could do again. That was how my family was delivered from serving the idol and I ceased to be its priest.

My testimony serves to confirm that the Watchman is indeed a place of encounter with the Almighty God and where the stones of this life are turned into pillows. My experiences demonstrate the truth in what Bible says in Hebrews 2:15, 'And deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage.'

Because we had been in bondage all these years, nothing was working out fine in my family; we had been in poverty and relegated to the background even in the village, but since I gave my life to Christ, there has been a turnaround spiritually and materially.
   Praise the Lord!”

Water Spirit, Diabetes Sacked

“The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous runneth into it, and is safe”  Proverbs 18:10

PRAISE the Lord! I want to give the testimony of how God healed me of diabetes and delivered me from the water spirit. My name is Callister Ekechukwu and I worship at Iba Parish of the Watchman Catholic Charismatic Renewal Movement, Lagos.

I will start by sharing with you what my mother told me about the circumstances surrounding my birth. My mother was an ardent worshiper of water spirits, although she has since repented. She is now a Christian in one of the Bible-believing churches.

 She told me that when I was a baby, there was this python that used to visit me each time she left me alone on the bed to attend to some matters.

 She said that the python was harmless, and that even when people came to visit and met it there, it would not attack them.

   As I was growing up, it continued to d   isturb me. My mother then contacted one of their members, and they took me to a river at about 12 midnight. There, a note was written that I would serve the spirit of the river when I got married. And because of that commitment, the water spirit would no longer disturb my peace till I am mature enough to get married and then serve it.

My mother bought a hen which was offered as my replacement; and, according to them, as the fowl would be hatching, so would I be having children. After the rituals, the fowl was let loose and it ran into the river and was drowned.

The written agreement stipulated that if after I got married and had four or five children and refused to serve the water spirit, that I would die. I ignorantly agreed with them. The paper was also thrown into the river and like the fowl, it went down the river and vanished.

   We left the riverside and came back home. I was living a normal life, though from time to time, the commitment I had made would ring in my ears. When I got married, the water spirit began to pay me a visit each time I took in. In the course of the pregnancy, she would come to me while I slept and give me an injection. And when I woke up, I would still feel it at the spot she gave the injection.

That had been the pattern. Each time I took in, she would come and give me the injection. When I became pregnant with my fifth child, and she didn't appear as usual, I was worried. At a point I told my husband about it, and he merely made a joke of it. When the spirit eventually visited, I asked her why she kept so long this time around, and she told me that she was aware that the time of my delivery was near.

She then gave me the injection but I noticed that while she was going out this time, she left with her back to the door. She told me to prepare, and bid me bye-bye.  Some days after her visit, I gave birth to my fifth child. When my mother came, I told her that the spirit that usually visited to give me an injection each time I was pregnant did not come on time this time around, but she kept quiet.

 I left her and went into the kitchen, but I overhead her lamenting and saying: 'Is this how this girl is going to leave her children and go away.' When I asked her why she was talking to herself, she denied it, and I kept quiet.
   One day, my sister visited from Owerri and while we were discussing, she asked me whether I was aware of the covenant I had with the spirit of the river and I said yes.

She asked me again whether I was aware that the time was near and I said I knew. She now asked me what I was going to do, since I knew the implication. I replied that I did not know. She asked me if I was prepared to die and leave my children here to suffer. She reminded me that she was not yet married at that time and was not prepared to take up any responsibility of training my children at her age.

    I asked her what she thought was the solution to the problem and she said that I should give my life to Christ. She began to preach to me and told me about salvation and how Christ loved me and laid His life down for me and all that. In fact, she led me to Christ, and I thought that since I had given my life to Christ, that the woman would leave me alone. I took in again and after I was delivered of the baby, I developed some sicknesses. Diabetes does not run in our family.

 It happened that I was constantly sick, and when I went to the hospital, they tested the sugar level in my blood and it was between 300 and 400. All the drugs they prescribed for me did not have any effect. I was asked to stay away from certain food items. I kept all these to myself wondering who to disclose and share my problems with. I resigned myself to fate, having assured myself that I was ready for whatever might happen.

   To cut the testimony short, I collapsed one of the days and by then, I had started coming to the Watchman. My husband called on our pastor here who came and prayed extensively for me and I regained consciousness.  On another day, our pastor called me and told me that what was happening to me was not ordinary and as if that was the moment I was waiting for, I opened up to him and told him everything about me.

 He then conducted a deliverance session for me, ordering the spirits to leave me alone. I thank God that I am still alive today. The doctors at the hospitals that I visited had written me off; they saw me as a walking corpse. One of the lab attendants, where I last went to have my blood sugar level tested sympathized with me because he was not able to draw blood from my body for the test.

He had to slap some parts of my body several times to do that, and what he was eventually able to draw out was thick and very dark. I believe he is a Christian because he prayed for me and decreed that I would not die. I told him I would not die since I knew whom I believed in. He replied and said that he liked my faith.

   I belong to the sanitation group in the church here, and each time I cleaned the toilets, I always prayed that just as I was cleaning those places, so was God cleaning all the problems and the water spirits out of me. One day, as we came here for fellowship, our pastor called me out and asked me to hold the pulpit while he prayed for me. He declared that I would not die. In fact, he gave me a name that day. He called me Anwuanwu, (die-hard).

For over seven years, I had been on drugs and injections some of which I was administering to myself because it had to be given at regular intervals; but since that day (March 15, 2010) that our pastor conducted deliverance on me, I have not used the drugs or the injections again. That is the gospel truth.

I have since forgotten everything about diabetes and the water spirit since they are all in the past now. I am completely delivered and healed now, praise the Lord!”

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